What is Superpowered Self?

How can we make the most of our minds?

Superpowered Self is an exploration into what it takes to become superpowered. We might never be able to fly or shoot fireballs from our hands - though who knows what the future has in store - but we can all do more than we’re currently doing.

To become superpowered is to reach the furthest edge of our potential.

Superpowered Self bridges the gap between you and your potential

Using insights backed by scientific research and tested on the battlefield of real life, Superpowered Self is an attempt at helping people achieve more than they ever thought possible.

Superpowered Self will teach you:

  • How to use the science of memory to remember what you learn.
  • Practical tools and strategies to fight back against procrastination.
  • The best frameworks on how to take effective notes.
  • Tips on how to develop solid habits.

Among many other topics, all geared towards helping you reach your fullest potential.

Who is behind Superpowered Self?

Superpowered Self was founded by João Eira, a former physicist turned economist turned Internet author. You can find him on Twitter at @joaoeira, where he spends more time than he should.

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